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EVM for the Next Billion Users

Limitless throughput. Real-time speed. Extremely low cost.

Built for performance


100,000+ TPS

Massively scalable for large-scale applications.


10ms Block Time

Near-instant finality for seamless transactions.


< $0.001 Transaction Cost

Efficient and affordable on-chain activity.

EVM reimagined

Blockchains struggle with congestion and high fees.Heiko changes the game:

Parallelized Execution

Paralellization leads to an N-fold increase in transaction processing speed and throughput.

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Heiko Hash

Heiko Hash uses an additive hashing technique that allows hashing only the delta - only the changes that happened in a single block instead of the whole global state.

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Outsourced Consensus

Centralized block production like an L2 but with decentralized validation like an L1.

This combo allows to get the best of both worlds: extreme performance, decentralization, sovereignty, and liveness while neither L1s nor L2s can achieve this.

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Solved State Growth

Heiko alters node software to efficiently handle data access and updates even with large state sizes.

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Build Apps Without Limits

Join the next generation of ultra-fast, low-cost blockchain technology.
Stay ahead of the curve.

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